Sunday, June 9, 2013

Don't worry, mum...

I can't believe that it's already Sunday. This weekend has been pretty much amazing (minus the extensive studying). I had no school on Friday, so Thursday I went to a party. It was for the theater group I was in; we were saying farewell to the seniors that we wouldn't see for quite a while. I might have drunk a little too much, but I still remember everything, so it couldn't of been that bad. I ended up taking care of my best friend all evening... so yeah. On Friday I got up at 8 and went to the gym with my mum. I really love fitness, it makes me feel so friggin' amazing. The lady that was giving the course even told me that I was in super duper good shape. Booyah! Then, to make up for my lack of sleep, I slept t'ill five and then studied for the rest of the night. Yesterday was really fun though. I went for some groceries and stuff with my dad and I studied all afternoon, but at around five, I went to see a guy that works close to my house. I may or may not be interested in him. Then some of my friends came over and we just talked all evening. Pretty cool, hein?
I might have a shitload of studying these days, but I'm finishing my sec 4 in two weeks. I have one day of classes left, and then it's exam week (and a half). I'm really excited for this summer. If everything goes out as planned, it's going to be amazing.

below: My theater group production: Pied de Poule

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